
Are You Beige?

Joe Greeley here, with Nimlok Minnesota. Here’s what’s on my mind - Are you beige? Webster’s Dictionary describes beige as a yellowish sandy colored brownish color - ick! Right? Beige…boring. It also describes it as lacking distinction.  Oh, another exciting phrase, right?  Think of beige for a minute; think about [...]

2023-05-11T16:05:02-05:00Categories: Videos|

The Most Overlooked Trade Show Skill

Joe Greeley here, with Nimlok Minnesota. Here’s what’s on my mind - Do you smile enough? Think about it, do you?  I know, you probably don’t think about it.  Hey, neither do I.  It’s not something that’s on our minds all the time.  But I want you to think about [...]

2023-05-11T16:05:29-05:00Categories: Videos|
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